Clear Retainers
Retainers have long been used by orthodontists in Glen Allen, VA to help teeth stay put after a patient has worn braces. However, the type of retainer and the course of treatment will ultimately depend on the person. In some cases, patients may need to wear a permanent retainer, while in others, they may be able to remove it during specific periods. Some people will need to wear a permanent retainer on their top teeth and a removable one on the bottom, or vice versa. If you need a removable retainer, a clear version may be the best way to help patients feel more confident while wearing the device.
Replacement Clear Retainer
At West End Orthodontics, we understand that circumstances might arise requiring replacement clear retainers. Whether due to loss, damage, or wear over time, our clinic offers the convenience of crafting replacement clear retainers tailored to your specific needs. Our custom-made clear retainers are expertly designed for comfort, durability, and a near-invisible appearance, ensuring they seamlessly align with your ongoing orthodontic treatment. If you find yourself in need of a replacement clear retainer in Glen Allen, VA, our dedicated team is here to provide the necessary support and create a new retainer that fits your smile perfectly.
The Advantages of Clear Braces
The objective of braces is to both correct, current issues with your oral health and prevent issues from occurring down the line. Here are just a few selling points of clear braces:
- Perfect fit: A reputable orthodontist in Glen Allen, VA will ensure that your clear braces are made just for your teeth. This means that you won’t have to worry about metal from traditional braces digging into your lips or cheeks.
- Cleanliness: Traditional braces can be kept clean, but they require more effort from the wearer to get it done. From threading the floss through the teeth to scraping out every last bit of food from the brackets, it’s harder to maintain your oral hygiene routines. With clear braces, the aligner trays can be removed so you can brush and floss normally.
- Better oral health: The more symmetrical your mouth is, the fewer problems you’ll run into later on. Clear braces can correct your bite, straighten out your teeth, and reduce your odds of jaw aches. They’re also excellent for treating bad breath and curbing gum irritation.
- Less effort: People who choose clear aligners will be able to have whatever they want, including gum and corn-on-the-cob. There’s also less of a time commitment, as patients won’t have to make appointments to adjust their brackets and wires constantly. There’s freedom with clear aligners that traditional braces can’t match.
How Long Do Clear Braces Need to Be Worn?
Clear aligners need to be worn for at least 20 hours per day, every day. Ideally, you’ll only take the clear braces off when you need to eat. It’s important to follow the schedule to reduce the odds of complications in the future. (Patients who slack off on their clear aligners are only likely to set their treatment back.)
When it comes to the standard length of treatment, the numbers will vary based on the patient. Some people may only need to wear clear aligners for six months. Others may need to commit for up to two years. The good news is that clear braces are easy to become accustomed to, particularly when they’re designed to blend into your daily habits.
How Do I Know If I’m Right for Clear Braces?
Clear braces can treat an array of issues, but they do have their limits. If a patient has severely crooked teeth or a misaligned bite, only traditional braces will be able to correct the problem. If you are approved for clear braces in Glen Allen, VA, the first step is to have them custom fit for your mouth. After the clear braces have been made, you’ll need to wear them and check in with your orthodontist to ensure that you’re making progress.
If you choose to work with the staff at West End Orthodontics, you can expect us to be there every step of the way. From initial budgeting to the final appointment, we help you through all of your questions, so you end with a wider smile. We recommend clear braces for people who want to feel confident when they look in the mirror. While traditional braces are excellent at straightening people’s teeth, they don’t always help patients feel like themselves.